


在刚刚过去的这个夏天,德国教师申请了一个 人文中心 summer research circle to support each other in projects related to both teaching and research (and the connections between them). 在这篇文章中, 我们分享在单个项目上取得的具体成果,以及在协作过程中发现的更广泛的利益. 谢谢GG电子官方软件下载酒店 人文中心 感谢他们的支持!


Kiley今年夏天,我对人文圈的计划是重新审视并重振一个自去年夏天以来一直处于休眠状态的项目. Having the opportunity to discuss the work-in-progress with my two colleagues helped me to focus on expanding the piece greatly from the previous draft in the weeks leading up to the session. 在论文中, 我分析了一本2017年出版的德国小说,它讲述了住在同一栋公寓楼里的人的多个故事, 关注人与人之间的多物种互动, 植物, 以及每间公寓里的动物. 我最初For一个关于文学中的植物的会议小组写了一篇论文, but Juliane and 赛斯’s feedback helped me see that my approach to the analysis was too narrowly focused on the 植物 For this expanded project and that there were other major themes that would be more fruitful For analysis. 在他们的帮助下, 我已经能够重新构思这个项目,并将在德国研究杂志的特刊上提交这篇文章. Sharing my work at an early stage and discussing different approaches to research and writing with colleagues is incredibly helpful.

h:在我们讨论我的暑期研究的时候, 我决定把重点放在我一直在准备的关于两部纪录片的文章上, 追逐冰 (2012)和 徒手攀岩 (2017),涉及数字电影理论和环境人文学术的思想. 我花了一年多的时间计划这篇文章,作For《GG电子手机版下载》论文集的一部分, 但直到今年夏天,这都不是我的首要任务. 当我今年夏天终于写完这篇文章的时候, 我计划在截止日期前两周与朱莉和凯莉进行一次讨论, 这给了我一个强烈的动机,让我准备好一份完整的草稿,还有一些时间来编辑. 我们讨论的草案很粗糙, 但这足以帮助我从Juliane和Kiley那里了解哪些方面是有效的, 似乎还需要更多的工作, 还有那些似乎离得太远,应该删掉的东西. 具体地说, 很明显,我花了太多时间讨论二手文献和理论背景. The parts that Juliane and Kiley both found most effective were the close readings of specific film sequences that use digital techniques to create remarkable portrayals of seemingly natural environments. 除了删去多余的背景讨论,使这些段落更加集中, Juliane和Kiley的意见帮助我重新关注了我论文的核心论点, 当我开始写这篇论文时,我认For我的论点与此不同(通常情况下). 简而言之, the collaborative writing process provided an initial benefit of Forcing me to complete a first draft in order to meet our (self-imposed) deadline, 事实证明,这对理解我想说的东西非常有用, 以及我怎样才能更有效地表达出来. 

Juliane这些以研究For重点的会议对我来说有双重目的:一方面, I was eager to hear how my colleagues approached their research activity so I could gain insights into best practices of other scholars. 在过去两年发表了四篇文章之后, 我遇到了一个写作障碍,这让我很难找到用我面前的材料工作的回报. 另一方面, 我需要对我目前的研究议程的具体反馈,以便For即将到来的休假准备一份拨款提案. 在这种情况下,我寻求同事的指导,将我的行动主义与写作更好地联系起来. 在听Kiley和赛斯谈论他们的研究时, 我很欣赏他们从想法到项目状态的洞察力. 我了解到一些我以前不熟悉的资源, 比如某些机构可以支持某人的写作之旅. 在会议期间致力于我的工作, I presented 赛斯 and Kiley with my research questions about working mothers and their children in the 德国 Democratic Republic and contextualized these ideas with my interest in contemporary motherhood. 然后,他们都帮助我深入研究了一个主题,这个主题似乎弥漫在我对这个话题的探究中. 和我的同事们一起大声地进行头脑风暴,使我能够把许多碎片整合成一个连贯的整体. Kiley and 赛斯 pinpointed viable connections between my previous and current research agendas that I discussed and made suggestions For next steps. 我立刻感到精神抖擞,回到了书桌前. 当我进入会议时,我考虑了多种方法来处理我的话题, 赛斯 and Kiley’s questions and comments led me to a concrete approach that I then solidified while thinking through my grant proposal, 在这篇文章上线之前我应该已经提交了吗.


赛斯今年秋天我要教一门新的a&我的研讨会关于“家”的概念,其中包括一个学术公民参与(ACE)项目. 这门课需要大量的写作, includes various elements to support students as they develop new academic skills and become aware of resources that can support them at GG电子官方软件下载, 并通过ACE项目参与各种活动,与诺斯菲尔德更广泛的社区接触. Juliane and Kiley helped me to understand how the course might appear to first-year students: it might feel like there is too much going on, 而且可能被视For势不可挡. 事实上, my goal in designing the course this way is to show lots of different ways students can find support and engage with multiple communities in order to thrive at GG电子官方软件下载–so the conversation with Juliane and Kiley proved very helpful in thinking about how to clearly communicate about expectations, 支持, 以及课程中包含的脚手架,以确保学生能够成功. Having their outside eyes on my syllabus–as well as their expertise on course planning and assignment design–was hugely helpful in gaining this awareness of how my course will look to students who haven’t spent all summer thinking about it!

Kiley: I was eager to get feedback on the syllabus For the course I am teaching on the OCS program in Berlin this fall called 德国 in Motion: Migration, 的地方, 和位移. One major challenge in planning this course that I didn’t anticipate was how to fit together the different texts we were reading with the various museum visits, 远足, 客座演讲, 戏剧表演, 以及柏林的其他活动. I had already booked many of these activities and felt like I was trying to cram texts into a pre-supposed order that was difficult to access. Juliane and 赛斯 clearly picked up on the muddled trajectory of the class; its somewhat chronological order seemed to suggest a narrative about migration that could have contradicted the main thesis of the course! My brilliant colleagues suggested reorganizing the course around different stations and places rather than the previous structure. 这清除了我在计划课程时遇到的巨大障碍,我非常感谢他们的投入. 他们还帮助我思考了一些作业设计, which is especially tricky in this course because I have students who have only had one year of 德国 taking the 200-level version of the course and students who will take the class at the 300-level. 现在我已经等不及在柏林上课的第一天了!

JulianeFor本暑期研究圈的教学大纲部分, 我希望能从赛斯和Kiley那里得到我在不久的将来将再次教授的两门课程的见解, 细菌320, 这是一门关于社会主义下生活的德语高级课程,我只是在大流行的第一年在网上教过, 和GERM 221, 这是一门关于1900年前后维也纳生活的翻译课程,以女性形象For中心. 我对这门课进行了重新设计,将重点放在包容性、多样性和公平性上. My colleagues found it helpful how I contextualized each text on the syllabi and gave reasons For why I assigned them For a certain topic. 这两件事都强化了我应该经常考虑搭脚手架, 不仅在作业结构上,而且在举例和提供技能习得指导上. They suggested improvements to the assignment structure that can clarify some questions students may have during the writing process and that make the tasks clearer. 当提到阅读清单时, 我特别纠结于如何将来自不同时代(东德)的读物联系起来, 维也纳,1900年)和当代文本. 赛斯 and Kiley gave me helpful suggestions about how to keep the comparative approach while also supporting the students’ solid knowledge acquisition in both timeframes. One of these suggestions – the approach to offer sessions based on themes rather than on chronological time frame – helps me to think deeper into my class material and develop classes that can aid students in connecting their class material much more effectively with their own lives. 在一般情况下, I found it to be incredibly helpful to discuss my syllabi with my colleagues because designing classes can often be a lonely task where I am unsure whether I am addressing my students’ needs and interests as well as my pedagogical goals and aspirations adequately.